
Going... not so far...

I think I must have bashed my head during a crazy night out or something. I mean, who the heck was I kidding? Did I really think that I was just going to pack my bags and leave the country with a few quid attached to my name?

Er, actually, yes, I did.

Reality sank in last week when I, very hesitantly, clicked on to my online banking... and saw that I actually had something in there! Hurray! So what am I waiting for? Suitcase, passport, sandals, camera and sunglasses at the ready, right? Argentina, Mexico, Africa, Japan... here I come!

Not so fast, Missy.

The old me wouldn't have thought twice about dashing over my hard-earned cash in exchange for a piece of action around the world. However, I like to think that I've mastered the art of self-discipline since my time spent in Korea as an English teacher. The fact is, travelling for a few months at a time is going to be insanely expensive and if I don't plan things out properly, I fear that credit cards and loans may become my new best friends out of desperation.

Now that, my friends, is certainly not the way forward.

After racking my brains for a good few days, I've finally come up with the perfect solution.... travelling a bit closer to home - for now. Hopefully it will keep both the travelling bug and piggy bank happy until the time is right to travel beyond UK soil.

So... UK, eh? Oh come on, travelling bug... it can't be that bad!

One of the things that I found quite embarrassing during my time spent in Korea was when my co-teacher (who adores everything British) asked me about places in England. One particular conversation went something like this:

Co-teacher: 'I had a lovely time in Oxford when I went on the Harry Potter tour. What do you think about it?'

Me (nonchalantly): 'Oh, I haven't actually been to Oxford before.'

Co-teacher (raising her eyebrows): 'But you live in England, no?'

Me: 'I do but Oxford's a few hours drive away from me, so I haven't really had the chance to go there yet.'

Co-worker (eyeing me suspiciously): 'Isn't England a tiny island where you can drive from one end to the other in a day?'

Me: 'Er, something like that... but many Brits prefer to go abroad when they can.'

Co-worker (looking baffled at this point): 'You don't like your own country?'

Me (sweating a bit now under the scrutiny): 'No, I mean, yes, I do. I love England but it's just that going to Oxford never really occurred to me.'

Co-teacher (leaning forward to give me that 'look' she only gives to naughty students): 'Ah, but you shoud. There's so much history to unveil and places to explore in Oxford. I could tell you a lot more if you want.'

Me (trying hard not to roll my eyes): 'Thanks, but I live in England, remember?'

Co-worker (whispering in a mysterious tone): 'Yet you've never been to Oxford...'

Me (feeling - and most possible looking - pathetic): 'Yea, anyway... tea?'

Truth be told, I never really had an interest in travelling around the UK. I mean, I live there for Pete's sake! Surely holidays and short trips should be made for places where the sun shines longer than two seconds! Unfortunately, with a budget to watch and travelling bug hammering on at me day and night, the phrase 'Beggars can't be choosers' seems somewhat relevant on this occasion.

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